Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Halloween has never been an exciting holiday for me, not that I have anything against it, I just have never been big into dressing up in costumes. Landon on the other hand, is a big fan of Halloween. From what I hear, Halloween was a big deal when he was little. He had to have the perfect costume and many times that perfect costume changed from school to the evening when it was time to trick-or-treat. He also was determined to find the BIGGEST pumpkin when their family went to the pumpkin patch. He wouldn't leave till he had found a pumpkin that would top his brother's.

This year I got into Halloween a little more. Henry had to have a Halloween costume. I found the perfect costume at a local pet store for $7! Then I had to keep it a secret for almost a month. Secrets are normally not hard for me, but when Henry looks so cute it's hard for me to resist putting pictures on facebook or sending them to my family.

So for Henry's perfect costume.........

I think he makes the best looking pirate around and Sunny makes a darn cure hot dog!

Then Henry was so kind and wanted to share Halloween treats with all his friends! Sunny, Ike, Milo and B! We really missed princess Ellie, Buddy and Kato.


1 comment:

  1. Buddy and Kato didn't even get costumes!!! They are feeling a little neglected recently :(
